Thursday, March 18, 2010

Time for You and Time for Me

Signaling the rumblings of a grey evening
It’s here that you counted my age.
All these years you’ve brought me the numbness of love – that I grew to love
Feeling you in the recesses of cozy winter eves,
Bring me a feast to cheer your playfulness
Entities in work, play, prayer
Manners that outlast your living love
Too good you are for me
Baring your soul to my completeness
Usher me like my shadow borne
Out of love’s multi-dimension – Time
For me, you
Differences without bearing
Sampling my moves
A cartographer’s dream
Mooring the last sigh


Shy said...

something that makes me feel empty
even when your words soothe
something that fails to complete
even when we become both
now that the curtain has fallen
the act is over
why do we still think sumthing is stolen
when we vouch to be "never"


Strawberry said...

tuki says this: loneliness is just a state of mind...... in a crowd I feel lonely, but d best thing is it gives a chance to creep in u, feel u n sumtimz admire