Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Life in a Matrix

There are a couple of addresses for this one: the old Calcutta chromosome vs. the New Age destination. Enraptured in the savoir-faire of the sequentially encapsulated changelings, I stepped out of my freshly spun aura of a life of discriminating comparisons. What seemed to be the worst was indeed a flux of the imbeciles drooling on a pond of self-centeredness. Work’s a thing of the past, the performance part of it being “product oriented”.

Why am I writing all this, when I should be scribbling a couplet of poetic verse more fluently than some mere outsourcing shit? Good question. Ha! Life in a Matrix has been an enriching experience, teaching me the tougher things of life the hard way. This is where I learned that in order to be successful, all you need to do is be aware of your worst potentials, and keep practicing. The test lies in delivering modesty till kingdom come.

All in all, the New Age transition from the Old World of cushioned reveries was a sabbatical from the cloistered professionalism. When there’s a loophole, there’s the exacting administrator at your service! Ahem, ahem … However, life’s good, bad and ugly and there are bad days – the good being an exception. Then it comes to you in dreams: the deadlines and the frowns …! Work from home, telephone calls in the middle of the Pujo – it’s a full circle of chasing ambitions.

1 comment:

Shy said...


as u know, we all fool ourselves in one way or the other. I loved the background, u know y. No questioning abt your linguistic skills. And about puja, telephone, performance-orientation, working more than 13 hours at a stretch! nothing new have been doing for the last one year ! phew! And loved the oxymoron used in the text :)

take care,